Pennsylvania State Data Center

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Select "Search by all tags" to filter your results to items that contain only the tag(s) entered. Select "Search by any tag" to return items that contain at least one tag entered.

Results for York County:

Show/Hide Detail Panels

2000 Census Data

pdfCarroll township hide

Carroll township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Carroll township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfChanceford township hide

Chanceford township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Chanceford township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfCodorus township hide

Codorus township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Codorus township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfConewago township hide

Conewago township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Conewago township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfCross Roads borough hide

Cross Roads borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Cross Roads borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDallastown borough hide

Dallastown borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Dallastown borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDelta borough hide

Delta borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Delta borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDillsburg borough hide

Dillsburg borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Dillsburg borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDover borough hide

Dover borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Dover borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDover township hide

Dover township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Dover township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfEast Hopewell township hide

East Hopewell township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , East Hopewell township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfEast Manchester township hide

East Manchester township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , East Manchester township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfEast Prospect borough hide

East Prospect borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , East Prospect borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFairview township hide

Fairview township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Fairview township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFawn Grove borough hide

Fawn Grove borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Fawn Grove borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFawn township hide

Fawn township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Fawn township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFelton borough hide

Felton borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Felton borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFranklin township hide

Franklin township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Franklin township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFranklintown borough hide

Franklintown borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Franklintown borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfGlen Rock borough hide

Glen Rock borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Glen Rock borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfGoldsboro borough hide

Goldsboro borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Goldsboro borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHallam borough hide

Hallam borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Hallam borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHanover borough hide

Hanover borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Hanover borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHeidelberg township hide

Heidelberg township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Heidelberg township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHellam township hide

Hellam township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Hellam township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHopewell township hide

Hopewell township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Hopewell township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfJackson township hide

Jackson township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Jackson township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfJacobus borough hide

Jacobus borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Jacobus borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfJefferson borough hide

Jefferson borough (York County), Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Jefferson borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfLewisberry borough hide

Lewisberry borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Lewisberry borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfLoganville borough hide

Loganville borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Loganville borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfLower Chanceford township hide

Lower Chanceford township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Lower Chanceford township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfLower Windsor township hide

Lower Windsor township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Lower Windsor township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfManchester borough hide

Manchester borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Manchester borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfManchester township hide

Manchester township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Manchester township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfManheim township hide

Manheim township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Manheim township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfMonaghan township hide

Monaghan township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Monaghan township , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfMount Wolf borough hide

Mount Wolf borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Mount Wolf borough , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNew Freedom borough hide

New Freedom borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , New Freedom borough , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNew Salem borough hide

New Salem borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , New Salem borough , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNewberry township hide

Newberry township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Newberry township , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNorth Codorus township hide

North Codorus township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , North Codorus township , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNorth Hopewell township hide

North Hopewell township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , North Hopewell township , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNorth York borough hide

North York borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , North York borough , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfParadise township hide

Paradise township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Paradise township , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfPeach Bottom township hide

Peach Bottom township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Peach Bottom township , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfPenn township hide

Penn township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Penn township , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfRailroad borough hide

Railroad borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Railroad borough , York County

pdfRed Lion borough hide

Red Lion borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Red Lion borough , York County

pdfSeven Valleys borough hide

Seven Valleys borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Seven Valleys borough , York County

pdfShrewsbury borough hide

Shrewsbury borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Shrewsbury borough , York County

pdfShrewsbury township hide

Shrewsbury township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Shrewsbury township , York County

pdfSpring Garden township hide

Spring Garden township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Spring Garden township , York County

pdfSpring Grove borough hide

Spring Grove borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Spring Grove borough , York County

pdfSpringettsbury township hide

Springettsbury township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Springettsbury township , York County

pdfSpringfield township hide

Springfield township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Springfield township , York County

pdfStewartstown borough hide

Stewartstown borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Stewartstown borough , York County

pdfWarrington township hide

Warrington township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Warrington township , York County

pdfWashington township hide

Washington township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Washington township , York County

pdfWellsville borough hide

Wellsville borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Wellsville borough , York County

pdfWest Manchester township hide

West Manchester township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , West Manchester township , York County

pdfWest Manheim township hide

West Manheim township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , West Manheim township , York County

pdfWest York borough hide

West York borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , West York borough , York County

pdfWindsor borough hide

Windsor borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Windsor borough , York County

pdfWindsor township hide

Windsor township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Windsor township , York County

pdfWinterstown borough hide

Winterstown borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Winterstown borough , York County

pdfWrightsville borough hide

Wrightsville borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Wrightsville borough , York County

pdfYoe borough hide

Yoe borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , Yoe borough , York County

pdfYork city hide

York city, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York city , York County

pdfYork County hide

York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Counties , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfYork Haven borough hide

York Haven borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County , York Haven borough

pdfYork township hide

York township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County , York township

pdfYorkana borough hide

Yorkana borough, Pennsylvania

published: 1/1/2011 | tags: 2000 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County , Yorkana borough

2010 Census Data

pdfCarroll township hide

Carroll township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfChanceford township hide

Chanceford township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfCodorus township hide

Codorus township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfConewago township hide

Conewago township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfCross Roads borough hide

Cross Roads borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDallastown borough hide

Dallastown borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDelta borough hide

Delta borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDillsburg borough hide

Dillsburg borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDover borough hide

Dover borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDover township hide

Dover township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfEast Hopewell township hide

East Hopewell township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfEast Manchester township hide

East Manchester township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfEast Prospect borough hide

East Prospect borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFairview township hide

Fairview township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFawn Grove borough hide

Fawn Grove borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFawn township hide

Fawn township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFelton borough hide

Felton borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFranklin township hide

Franklin township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFranklintown borough hide

Franklintown borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfGlen Rock borough hide

Glen Rock borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfGoldsboro borough hide

Goldsboro borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHallam borough hide

Hallam borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHanover borough hide

Hanover borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHeidelberg township hide

Heidelberg township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHellam township hide

Hellam township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHopewell township hide

Hopewell township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfJackson township hide

Jackson township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfJacobus borough hide

Jacobus borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfJefferson borough hide

Jefferson borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfLewisberry borough hide

Lewisberry borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfLoganville borough hide

Loganville borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfLower Chanceford township hide

Lower Chanceford township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfLower Windsor township hide

Lower Windsor township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfManchester borough hide

Manchester borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfManchester township hide

Manchester township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfManheim township hide

Manheim township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfMonaghan township hide

Monaghan township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfMount Wolf borough hide

Mount Wolf borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNew Freedom borough hide

New Freedom borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNew Salem borough hide

New Salem borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNewberry township hide

Newberry township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNorth Codorus township hide

North Codorus township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNorth Hopewell township hide

North Hopewell township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNorth York borough hide

North York borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfParadise township hide

Paradise township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfPeach Bottom township hide

Peach Bottom township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfPenn township hide

Penn township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfRailroad borough hide

Railroad borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfRed Lion borough hide

Red Lion borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfSeven Valleys borough hide

Seven Valleys borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfShrewsbury borough hide

Shrewsbury borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfShrewsbury township hide

Shrewsbury township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfSpring Garden township hide

Spring Garden township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfSpring Grove borough hide

Spring Grove borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfSpringettsbury township hide

Springettsbury township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfSpringfield township hide

Springfield township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfStewartstown borough hide

Stewartstown borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWarrington township hide

Warrington township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWashington township hide

Washington township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWellsville borough hide

Wellsville borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWest Manchester township hide

West Manchester township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWest Manheim township hide

West Manheim township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWest York borough hide

West York borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWindsor borough hide

Windsor borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWindsor township hide

Windsor township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWinterstown borough hide

Winterstown borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWrightsville borough hide

Wrightsville borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfYoe borough hide

Yoe borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfYork city hide

York city, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfYork County hide

York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Counties , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfYork Haven borough hide

York Haven borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfYork township hide

York township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfYorkana borough hide

Yorkana borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 2010 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

1990 Census Data

pdfCarroll township hide

Carroll township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfChanceford township hide

Chanceford township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfCodorus township hide

Codorus township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfConewago township hide

Conewago township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfCross Roads borough hide

Cross Roads borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDallastown borough hide

Dallastown borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDelta borough hide

Delta borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDillsburg borough hide

Dillsburg borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDover borough hide

Dover borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfDover township hide

Dover township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfEast Hopewell township hide

East Hopewell township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfEast Manchester township hide

East Manchester township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfEast Prospect borough hide

East Prospect borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFairview township hide

Fairview township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFawn Grove borough hide

Fawn Grove borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFawn township hide

Fawn township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFelton borough hide

Felton borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFranklin township hide

Franklin township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfFranklintown borough hide

Franklintown borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfGlen Rock borough hide

Glen Rock borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfGoldsboro borough hide

Goldsboro borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHallam borough hide

Hallam borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHanover borough hide

Hanover borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHeidelberg township hide

Heidelberg township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHellam township hide

Hellam township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfHopewell township hide

Hopewell township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfJackson township hide

Jackson township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfJacobus borough hide

Jacobus borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfJefferson borough hide

Jefferson borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfLewisberry borough hide

Lewisberry borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfLoganville borough hide

Loganville borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfLower Chanceford township hide

Lower Chanceford township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfLower Windsor township hide

Lower Windsor township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfManchester borough hide

Manchester borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfManchester township hide

Manchester township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfManheim township hide

Manheim township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfMonaghan township hide

Monaghan township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfMount Wolf borough hide

Mount Wolf borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNew Freedom borough hide

New Freedom borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNew Salem borough hide

New Salem borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNewberry township hide

Newberry township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNorth Codorus township hide

North Codorus township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNorth Hopewell township hide

North Hopewell township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfNorth York borough hide

North York borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfParadise township hide

Paradise township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfPeach Bottom township hide

Peach Bottom township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfPenn township hide

Penn township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfRailroad borough hide

Railroad borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfRed Lion borough hide

Red Lion borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfSeven Valleys borough hide

Seven Valleys borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfShrewsbury borough hide

Shrewsbury borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfShrewsbury township hide

Shrewsbury township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfSpring Garden township hide

Spring Garden township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfSpring Grove borough hide

Spring Grove borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfSpringettsbury township hide

Springettsbury township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfSpringfield township hide

Springfield township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfStewartstown borough hide

Stewartstown borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWarrington township hide

Warrington township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWashington township hide

Washington township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWellsville borough hide

Wellsville borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWest Manchester township hide

West Manchester township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWest Manheim township hide

West Manheim township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWest York borough hide

West York borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWindsor borough hide

Windsor borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWindsor township hide

Windsor township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWinterstown borough hide

Winterstown borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfWrightsville borough hide

Wrightsville borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfYoe borough hide

Yoe borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfYork city hide

York city, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfYork County hide

York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Counties , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfYork Haven borough hide

York Haven borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfYork township hide

York township, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County

pdfYorkana borough hide

Yorkana borough, York County, Pennsylvania

published: 10/1/2011 | tags: 1990 Census , Municipalities , Pennsylvania , York County